Book & Blog

Jeff Reinke (MDiv)

Badly Broken
Deeply Loved

Facing Your Pain is Key to Your Peace

Are your relationships suffering because of past wounds that haven’t been healed? Do you find yourself repeating destructive patterns even though you want to move forward? Personal transformation really is possible and Badly Broken Deeply Loved will show you how to find the healing, wholeness, and peace you need for a more fulfilling life.

Jeff Reinke - who has helped couples and individuals overcome the pain of their past and restore their relationships with others for more than 25 years - will show you how to:

  • Move past the childhood pain that stunted your emotional and relational growth

  • Become a more loving and empathetic person

  • See yourself through the eyes of God’s love, rather than through your past pain or regrets

  • Recognize your brokenness so God can begin His healing process in you

Let Jeff help you find your authenticity so that you have nothing to hide, realize you are broken so you have nothing to prove, and discover your courage so you have nothing to fear.

Badly Broken Deeply Loved is a great segway for those waiting to enter Skills Workshops.

Order your copy on or Kindle for $15.99.


Marriage & Relationships


Pain & Peace